Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ancestors Day

I am sad in a way that Memorial Day is associated with the warrior culture. Although we are not the Spartans who practiced real infanticide to strengthen their armies we do sacrifice our children to wars which have little to do with our security. Of course very few think as I do. The Powers like to do everything they can to extinguish this perspective as it questions the very concepts of the totalitarian republic. My ancestors for the most part were not kings queens and generals. They were people who got things done and passed on the genes. At some point in time fairly recently this no longer became a biological imperative and because of this I have dedicated my consciousness to other precreation(sic). So I reflect in this bardo about what did not get done and may never get done as so few think as I do and even fewer think it matters the wars go on endlessly and we don't want to share our planet equitably. Even dogs have a sense of fairness and "altruism". We aren't paying very close attention to the four-leggeds and it is to our own detriment for being so ignorant of some very fine teachers at our feet. I ain't gonna study war no more. Team Pussy signing off now.

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